Wiki Konfiguration


In der Datei wiki.cfg können globale Parameter konfiguriert werden (folgendes sind die Defaultwerte):

# Configure ...
# $WIKIHOME is the document root and first page shown when entering wiki.
# Must be a $validWikiName!

# $REVISIONS sets the number of stored revisions. If Zlib is available it may be bigger.

# colordesign presets
#          THEAD      TBODY     CITE     Mo-So    Calender

$EMPTYPAGE=     "Die Seite {WORD} ist noch leer ...n";
$PRIVATPAGE=    "Die Seite {WORD} ist eine private Seite ...

Hier gehts zum <a href={SELF}?{WORD}&do=login>login</a>"; $EXISTINGPAGE= "Die Seite <a href="{LAST}">{WORD}</a> existiert bereits!"; $OBSOLETPAGE= "INHALT NICHT MEHR AKTUELL"; $OBSOLETLAST= "aktuelle Version"; $INDEXTITEL= "[! Seite | Titel | Von | Vers. | Größe | Datum !]n"; $INDEXNONE= "Es konnten keine entspechenden Seiten gefunden werden!"; $UPLOADTITEL= "[! | Name | Byte | Größe | Aussehen !]n"; $UPLOADTYPES= "Gültige Dateitypen"; $UPLOADSELFILES="Selektierte Dateien"; $UPLOADRENAME= "umbenennen"; $UPLOADCOPY= "kopieren"; $UPLOADREMOVE= "löschen"; $UPLOADTURN90= "nach rechts drehen (nur *.jpg)"; $UPLOADTURN270= "nach links drehen (nur *.jpg)"; $UPLOADSGRAY= "schwarz/weiß (nur *.jpg)"; $UPLOADSLOWQ= "Qualität verringern (nur *.jpg)"; $UPLOADSMALLER= "verkleinern (nur *.jpg)"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uploads bigger than $MAXUPLOADLENGTH will be rejected. $MAXUPLOADLENGTH=200000; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Images bigger than $MAXIMAGEWIDTH and $MAXIMAGEHEIGHT are resized to that value. # This thumbnail is linked to a page with the original sized image. $MAXIMAGEWIDTH =260; $MAXIMAGEHEIGHT=195; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skip to the next image view after $IMAGESHOWDELAY seconds at single image view. $IMAGESHOWDELAY=5; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $VALIDMIME defines the valid extension for uploading $VALIDMIME="avi|csv|dbf|doc|gif|html?|jpg|mid|mov|mp3|mpe?g|pdf|png|rtf|swf|sxw|tgz|txt|war|wmv|xls|zip"; $SEARCHEXT="csv|dbf|gif|html?|jpg|rtf|txt"; $IMGEXT ="gif|jpg|png"; $AUDIOEXT ="mid|mp3|wav"; $VIDEOEXT ="avi|mov|mpe?g|swf|wmv"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $HTMLROOT defines the static-html destination for "Admin" -> "publish". # $URLROOT defines the destination URL /'DokuKonfiguration-value of static-html pages. # If both are "", publish is disabled. $HTMLROOT=""; $URLROOT= ""; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If $ICONROOT is defined, static icons from that path are used instead that from wiki.icons.tgz $ICONROOT=""; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # URL to a "wiki.install.tgz" which shall be the source of the update function. # If it is "", update is disabled. $UPDATEFROM=""; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # %TAGALIAS defines aliases of "{tag }"-tags %TAGALIAS=(); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $LANG=$LOCALE="de_AT"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default image effect map-file for screen and printer page $COLORMAP=''; $PRINTMAP='gray'; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pages bigger than $MAXCOMPR are stored not L12/L16-compressed (ignored if Zlib and LZS is used) $MAXCOMPR=150000; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # %SMARTLINKS defines aliases of "[SMARTLINK: ... ]"-tags %SMARTLINKS= ( 'GOOGLE' => [''], 'WIKIPEDIA' => [''], 'MOVIEDB' => [';nm=on;mx=20;q='], 'ALLMOVIE' => [''], 'CDARTIST' => [''], 'CDTITLE' => [''], 'CDTITEL' => [''], 'CDSONG' => [''], 'CDARTIST' => [''], 'CDTITLE' => [''], 'CDTITEL' => [''], 'CDSONG' => [''], 'KNO' => ['','-'], 'BUCH24' => ['','-'], 'BUCHHANDEL' => ['', '-'], 'AMAZON' => ['', '-'], 'ABEBOOKS' => ['','-'], 'LOB' => ['', '-'], 'BUTLER' => ['', '-'], 'LIONCC' => ['', '-'], 'ISBN' => ['', '-'], 'ISBN' => [''], 'TEL' => ['/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?&do=index&ok=ok&find='], 'PLZ' => [''], 'ORT' => [''], 'GEODB' => [''], ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $RSS=''; $RSSPUB=''; $RSSUSEIP=0; $RSSTITLE="$ENV{SERVER_NAME}"; $RSSDESCRIPTION=''; $RSSTEXTINPUT=''; $RSSCOPYRIGHT="Wiki Version $VERSION; (c) 2003-2004 by"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If $KEEPDELETED is set other than 0, deleted pages will be moved tu "Deleted'$word" $KEEPDELETED=0; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Offer a chooser at the login page if auto-logout should be used or not. $USEREMEMBERME=0; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If $USEGZIPENCODING is set other than 0, content is submited gzip-compressed $USEGZIPENCODING=0; # # End of configuration part! ########################################################################################

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Diese Seite:'DokuKonfiguration ~~~ Vers.1 vom 2005-01-30 10:11 von Admin mit 8053Byte ~~~ (c) 2003 by